Welcome back to my April Blog.
Did you realize that nature speaks to us about our current life lessons constantly? Ever wondered why sometimes in nature you see specific animals often? Or why you simply love a particular animal or group of animals? Why, sometimes when you dream or meditate, do you get recurring ones with animals in them? Why you tend to keep noticing certain animals in pictures or films? Or even get refered in animal language at times ie “she sings like a lark”? Take note! All elements of nature including animals bring to our lives wonderful messages through what they represent. All you need do is note the animal and then research the meaning of them via animal meanings or totems online or in wonderful books such as Ted Andrews’ “Animal Speak” or “Power Animals” by Steven Farmer etc. This animal guidance is like direct access to the subtleties and deeper content in your life, and offers you a direct source of personal reading for you, assisting your life path navigation. I recall a while back when I was considering staging a psychic show. I was returning from a beach walk a different route to usual and came upon a turtle with a limb missing, nestled in the sand of a car park. My heart went out to her and feeling her current home unsafe as cars could literally run over her, I relocated her across the road to a pond area I believed more congruent with natural turtle environment. It felt a sacred kind of act in the moment, and I thought of it the whole way home. I was not long home when I received a call from a newer client asking for a consult. This is a client of few words but I mentioned the turtle in passing conversation and he in turn said he had a pet turtle and loved them, from that point our conversation took a different turn. At that point I was privately putting together a psychic and song stage show, a large one promoted by a prominent psychic fair organizer in ACT, and we were short of a lighting technician for the evening, although at that point we had not even considered lighting as it was in formative stages. Within our “turtle” conversation this gentleman mentioned his background in theater lighting and one thing led to the next, we found our lighting man with relative skill and all lights willing to assist at a fantastic fee. Shortly after, I recall looking in my Ted Andrews book to find that Turtle energy was about opportunity! For which I thanked my guides and turtle for knowing my needs and responding to them before I did with such an obvious connection in such a quick time. It’s was the only time in 5 years in that place that I saw a turtle in the area and I walked regularly in varied routes encompassing the whole area. I have countless stories of the magnificence of animal magic in my life! I was reminded again of the significance of animal connection when I visited a healer friend of mine for a treatment a few weeks back. She mentioned seeing a Bat visual around me. This ended up connecting on many levels. Currently where I live is surrounded by fruit Bats, so I’m surrounded by Bat energy. An evening prior I was teaching Tarot and we examined the Devil Cards, and a student enquired about it’s Bat like wings. My partner had just started watching Batman re-runs on TV. When I was younger, my father used to refer to my bedroom as a Bat Cave. Bat energy was definitely connecting with me. My healer friend even pointed out there was a tropical plant of quite unusual features called a Bat Flower I may wish to research. You may also have some some animal signs stories - and feel free to share yours here under comments if you would like. Or ask further question re it. In any event, I encourage you to each source more animal medicine connection – pay attention to animal signs, and feel the gifts of your life understanding unravel further. xoJK
Welcome to my March Blog, a time most of us on east coast Oz are praying for sunshine and reprieve from the rain. I ask we each extend a personal prayer to those that are flood affected right now, and that they may have the support and endurance they require within such circumstances.
The topic this month is about “toxic thought and negative relationship “cord-cutting”, and is a delightful request from someone whom regularly reads these blogs. As connected energetic beings, we may find ourselves affected by heavier energy along our path. This is usually as an extension for our growth and learning, but when in it, it can feel resistant prone, heavy, frustrating, limiting, and even toxic or painful. The idea of “cord cutting” from these feelings that “bind” us to situations and people, is a great concept for beginners and the more advanced alike. Imagine those electrical balls you see at science & technology centers, where there is a ball of electricity which simmers at the heart of a glass ball. When you place your hand on the glass, the electrical current is attracted to your hand and shoots out like a crimson lightening bolt to connect with your hand current. This concept extends to energetics in all people and places. The hand on and off the glass ball implies the control or awareness of such. Let’s say you’ve attracted a relationship to you by placing your hand on the glass, or, as is more likely having your glass ball connect with another’s glass ball. However it forms, something in you and the person connect, in doing so, so do your some of your electrical fields (or Aura) – you energetically interact. In time you may wish to disconnect your ball or draw your hand away, yet feel unable to do so – you may feel as though the current is connecting with you still, perhaps even outside the glass ball. What has happened is that some part of you has actually joined with the other electrical field for whatever reason, and so you sense the continued connection. This can feel disconcerting, and should the other person be utilizing part of your electricity, now without consent, it may feel like they are stealing. And the emotions turn to negative. If they continue, toxic even. To fear or worry about this connection can actually deepen the connection holding (think of a drowning person in panic, they can easily drown their lifesaver as well as self in the fear). And so a simple “visualization” to use is to imagine all the “cords” of connection between you and the other person being blessedly cut. Bless them for their desire to assist you in your higher learning, and affirm you understand or are aware and now chose to return to the energy field which is uniquely and soley yours. Ask your Guides/Angels/God to help you now cut the cords, and visualize or sense them falling away, retracting your energy to you inside your glass again and they inside theirs if you wish. You can do this generically also as a daily energy cleanse routine. The trick is to then know and accept that it’s complete as a process until next cleanse time, even if results don’t FEEL immediate. I have also visualised myself pre bedtime, like a translucent jellyfish entwined in other tentacles from being around others in a day. I understand I live in a world with other “jellyfish” and we are all prone to lose some tentacles, create debris, and get tangled up. I ask my Guides to gently unwind me to my natural state whereby I see myself swim off strong, natural and free again. Like hair that gets knotted, it’s best to keep the detangling regular. I trust this blog has added another layer of depth in response to your question A.Z. Thanks for asking, as I know others would resonate with it also. I encourage anyone with a blog topic or question to email me anytime. Enjoy your Autumn! xoJK From Spirit... "Fear not dear ones - The Well must be empty or drain for the goodness to be seen to remain"
I've noticed many tuning into discomfort and abandoned trust at present and wish to reassure that what is happening within is natural for the time we travel in connection with this planet and her transitions at large (yes odd weather we're having???). You may be aware that now is still a time of large earth transititon, and yes, as part of it, we are being used energetically as a resource for this change and hence we'll feel affected by it. So if you've been feeeling tired, overwhelmed, overextended or unrested. If your dreams have been strange or simply noticed mmore of late. If your finances look deplete right now. Health hanging by a thread. Your emotions unsettled and squeezed. Your mind overworked or clouded... We are part of a larger working and order requiring it to be so. They will all be restored and replenished soon enough. We are opening to momentus evolution, the Well will re-fill with better or more suitable substance. Remain in faith right now to ease the transitions, and know that this is 'natural' for our earth and all inhabitants right now. Welcome back! Happy New Year! Trust the new year has been busy in evolution, and promise for you and your loved ones!?!
This from Spirit World: "Whilst 2011 seemed more a year of completion, stripping, and refinement, 2012 appears to offer you emerging as the canvas - what do you wish to now create? For many this year will be busy and inspiring. What do you wish to bring to your fresh canvas? What materials will you In healing past hurts, letting go, renewing, the process of regeneration, regrowth, and dream planting is now available to you. Perhaps a good time to buckle down and get out a year planner, perhaps ponder where you wish to be in a few years time. It's already going quickly, and a deeper part of your being may want to jump on board and ride the wave towards accelerated living, learning and being right now. I encourage you each to simply be, find time to rest, work and play, but also build - upon dreams and desires - create. Should you not be aware of how, trust, you may find your answers within your silence early this year, so if you're "slowed down" with need for extra rest or recuperation, take heart, it's a chance to listen with more intent in the life slowness or silence. Answers indwell you each, for the creation of your world is in your hands, through your life, as independent interconnected souls. The value is in your inner truth this is your guide. Be still yet active, recieve and create! This is a year to ponder the fruits of harvest." Exciting in it's promise, 2012 seems like it could be an extra busy year. :) Thanks again for your blog comments. I usually don't reply to comments here, but do appreciate them and if you require a reply, email me. If you have any topics you'd like me to cover this year via this blog, please let me know: [email protected]. I look forward to connecting moreso throughout the year! xoJK WHAT DOES IT MEAN TO LIVE!
Welcome to Dec Blog. I trust the Silly Season is merrily leading you towards its 2011 end, and opening up new year dreams and contemplations for you each. I was most fortunate to have a wonderful group sitting last night, and an extended thanks to those who were present, as you’ve inspired the content of this blog. One of the questions I was asked was “what can I do to stay on my life path?” To which the answer was LIVE - LIVE, LIVE, LIVE, LIVE! More personal details were extended, but the simple response from Spirit to this question resonated with me post event. It is that obvious, that simple! Yet complex and confounding. Do we really do this? Live? Of course yes, we eat, sleep, breathe, pay taxes, the basics… but what does it mean to be really ALIVE!? At base, I believe we are always on our life path, even when we feel otherwise, but how you are viewing and experiencing it can affect the level of peace, happiness, joy and ease, or other you travel with. The simple Spirit answer – to LIVE, refered more to embrace… embrace life – all of it! Learn to love life! We have tendency to stay within the familiar, the mundane, the fears, which is all part of life sure, but I wonder if sometimes we should let it all go and add shades of unexplored colour to our constructs to enliven us! I see colour in peoples auras, and it most sparkles and glows when we enjoy, embrace and accept life and dig deep into each part of it. This includes in adversity when we chose to see the obstruction as creative learning inspiration; grief as needed emotional release; enemies as our wisest teacher friends; our judgment as reflection of our inner beliefs. Those I’ve witnessed who embrace life and its challenges with fervor and childlike exploration, sparkle, they love the complexity of life and the colour it brings to them. Like an artist who learned to paint with primary colour suddenly gets access to secondary colours – what more they can create, express and bring to the life palate, I went to dinner post event last night and a lovely older gentleman friend suggested in general chat the best choice we can make in life is optimism. In each moment we can chose optimism or pessimism – glass half full or empty. Which are you choosing? Does it serve you? Will you chose another option or embrace the choice you made? Bless our ability to chose! And even though we tire as the end of another year draws close, perhaps this reminder is timely to create new awareness within the New Year. I’ve witnessed 2011 as a trialing year for so many and I’m sure they will be greeting 2012 with open arms in reflection of such. Personally, I enjoyed this year tremendously, as I found so much value within it. It went fast, As we near the closing of it I am slightly saddened to see it go, as a good friend it has been, but know I lived it as well I could and know there will be many other friend like years ahead. I have enjoyed sharing parts of it with you via this Blog, as clients, friends and acquaintances. I look forward to sharing 2012 with you also, and send my love to you and all those you hold dear! Enjoy Christmas and the New Year and I trust you will above all else – LIVE! xoJK Nov entry :) Welcome!
Again I express how grateful I am for those that take time to read and comment on this blog page. Not only have we transited 28/10/11, we also have now surpassed 11/11/11, and I trust each date met you well. Today I speak of psychic protection. I have colleagues and teachers in the Spiritual community who debate methods of protection, and whether there is even a need for it in Spirit work or everyday life? As humanity is now in an age of essentially ascending its consciousness, and in that process we’re shedding our fears, should the need for protection also be shed? Well perhaps the need for protection can come from a desire to alleviate fear, but lets face it, although we’re evolving, we all have them (fears). Even an enlightened soul would once have experienced fear – it’s human! So yes, our learning should involve knowing protection is available to us. It's up to us to chose then if we apply it. I teach “protection” as a tool to essentially evoke strength and clearing of the individual human energy field. For those thinking, what is she meaning when she says protection? Protection is using symbols, colour or light, ritual, visualization and or feeling, to energetically “protect” yourself. Perhaps you have heard the term “white-lighting”? At a basic level you can call in golden white light to surround you ie. Like a torch beam of light from the heavens, or a giant bubble to step into, or a sleeping bag of white light to zip up over you. You do this through visualization or intention and you can use any concept that feels right for you to surround (and/or indwell) your entire physical body with the light. And it can be a quick thought/intention that activates it, then it’s “on”. You can refresh it the same way whenever you need to. So, I advocate using golden white light - ANYTIME! To me the protection element is an aid in personal disconnection from fearful, negative or blocked energy (internal or external, and most of us aren’t at a point of evolution where we can discern which is which). When you feel de-energized, overwhelmed, run down, scared or fragile, at least there is an option which is quick, non-invasive and powerful (yes, I’ve tested it) – (golden) “White lighting”. Particulalry good for clearing space and negating fear and heavy energy. There are many stories and theories I hold regarding this concept, but today I’m simply to present you with awareness of what I believe to be a valuable tool. As I’ve grown in my journey I’ve realized I was once my worst enemy. I’ve done much work on that in many ways, and part of my “toolbag” was energetic protection. In reflection, but not isolation, each time I “White lighted”, I found I renewed for a moment, released, reconnected with “Source”, grounded, and cleared my energy enough to feel freer from entanglement or fears. I am still unaware of how it can be so, but I know it served me, and so be it. The beauty of it is you don’t even need to believe in it – it simply is! Just simply try or apply it. Wow hey!?! Another gift from the universe. I ultimately believe in the goodness of Guides and the Spirit world, so protection is really for yourself to assist against manifesting anything but goodness in your energy field. As you grow you will develop other ways to support this idea according to your life path. In the meantime (or the whole time) enjoy the concept of another gift to yourself to explore if you wish. xoJK Firstly thanks to all who read and related to the last post. The concept of "Love" "The One" "Soulmates" "Twin Flame"etc can be quite challenging in exploration, but I implore you to keep doing so. I may speak more of that another time.
With the Mayan calendar transiting now - this month (not 21/12/12) - I would like to address transition and our knowingness. What is intuition, sixth sense, psychic knowingness? I found myself delivering an address to a spiritual church of late, only to find myself bringing through information I’d not thought a great deal on prior. I’ve believed for years we ALL have a sixth sense, a knowingness. However where that rests, or how that activates had been my puzzle. I recently watched the DVD “Limitless”, very thought provoking whilst also entertaining. It is based on the theory we only use about 10% of our brain, and the limitlessness we can activate consiously when we use the 90% extra. This theory, although not new, holds curiosity for me. Perhaps it is more active than we understand. Perhaps we do use ALL of our brain, but not consciously (for varying reasons) at this point of our evolution. To me the state of knowingness, or intuition, is information our brain may not consciously be utilizing, (sourced from local and universal construct) but instead filtering and gently allowing us through guidance state to receive. It is connected to universal wisdom and contructs of “oneness”. Like a PC base program which has access to the universal internet, it runs in the background, collecting information and stimulus from surrounds and beyond (consciously or not). A friend recently made me aware that 28th Oct 2011 was the end of the mayan calendar rather than 21/12/12 ( see here for the debate of http://www.calleman.com/content/articles/risk_of_2012.htm). Whilst I know not enough of all the determinants of Mayan philosophy nor the fullness or implications of this point in calendar change, I do inherently honour notable change in an ancient system. I recall when first studying tarot and discovering that the “death” card signified change, that my understanding of all death was really change, and it cemented my belief that no change was “bad” and to think so placed me in pain I could chose to not have. In fact, life is change! – evolution, growth, enlightenment. We should embrace this, not resist in fear of unknown or ill understood. Now why speak of all this? In short we are evolving (continually yes) but personally and planetarily. We have a sixth sense inherent within us, a knowingness. This knowingness is active in truth, and not rooted in fear or emotional construct. It is wise and serves our highest good. We are in a state of transistion right now. How we honour this within is via allowance and receptivity. We surrender, accept change and find a gentleness in our own lives to respect what we as individuals need right now for ourselves. Me? I have needed more rest time as my body feels pulled in all directions including fatigue, headaches, changeable moods, digestive sensitivities etc. Life has been busy and stimulating of late, but time out is CRUCIAL right now. I have embraced my need to regularly attend to my physical needs of extra water, vitamins, rest, healthy food, space clearing, outdoor connection, and yoga. My spiritual needs of inspiration and growth, meditation, nurturing and love. My mental needs of releasing old thoughts, and reading new books, connecting with like minds, discussing, learning. But this is me. We may share similarity but we are individuals. However, I do hope you are dedicating time to be kind to you right now. To listen to your inner self. Trust your higher intelligence is guiding you for your greatest growth and highest and best interest. And know it is just part of a process which mostly will provide understanding once you surrender to it and travel through it. Remain in faith! Blessings to you! A client recently mentioned she had met and greatly connected with her Twin Flame. I understood this to be similar to context of "soul mate" which floats around as a term to express "the one" or a deep soul felt connection surpassing all others to date. Throughout life we have many opportunities to connect with differing forms of love. All are there to enhance our understanding of what LOVE is. And really ...LIFE is love. And seeing as it’s our birthright to experience LIFE, it is also our birthright to experience real love. Soul mates and twin flames helps us believe this is possible.
As Marianne Williamson stated in "A return to Love" All there is is love, all else is an illusion. Twin Flames, or soul mates, are there to catapult us towards love when none other could do. Usually at a point of reflection within where it warrants extra energy and belief that connection (and source love via it) can be very real, but can also be short lived (not always of course). Usually it simmers due to the unsustainability of intense energy exchange, making the expereince of the connection both beautiful and painful to surrender to. However I wish to share what I channelled from Spirit on this occasion in case it should be that another benefit: "what if u were flint in a forest, searching, trying, always looking to ignite but unable. Then one day u found another flint. together magic. ignition. each time, sparks, unity. unsustainable burn process. but found at last. ignition after so long. but ignition stones wear down and fire needs wood to sustainably burn. u r both flint stones and know this. so now u r each ignited u can each go forward anew to create sustainable fire but with wood. so judge not his need for dull or simmering heat, perhaps he knows that wood isneeded wet with tears or not. Perhaps u chose wood to burn brightly with in time. but for now greive dear one. Know u were born for fire and this man sparked ur soul in preparation when noone else could. find a friend to lean on. cry. anger. and yes feel once more. we hold ur hand now and only time will show the trust in dawn. with love dear one." ...always with love xoJK TO CONQUER ONES FEARS WE MUST FACE THE GREATNESS OF OUR OWN POWER ~ FOR THAT IS WHERE FEAR IS SEATED, IN THE RESISTANCE TO CLAIMING IT! xoJK
This is My K.I.S.S. ( Keeping it Simply Spiritual) Blog Page!