Well, over half a year has flown by AGAIN! WOW! In this last month alone I attended a wedding, and a funeral. Witnessed a new born and had my own birthday. Relevance??? Cycles of being! We have witnessed extremes in emotions and cycles of change in this first part of year. We are being not so gently reminded how the tides of life flow in as they do out. Financial compression. Relationship breakdowns & breakthroughs. Health procedures, challenges and revelations. Career changes and life path renewals.
Amidst all this what are we doing? Where is our focus? Are we holding on to some sense of reprieve to come, waiting for the tide to wash you ashore? Or battling the currents? Feeling the strength diminish as the swells of the sea of life continue? Or loving the adventures it brings, discovering new found lands and strengths? A mix? For many this may be your reminder RIGHT NOW, to surrender, to drift, to find faith in conviction and prayer, strength in faith, to give in to your need of trying to control, of feeling responsible or obligated, or angry, within despair or frustration… Bigger, stronger forces of natural living command it! If you’re sad, be not strong in hiding it, be sad. If you’re lost for direction, be in the void, until it’s time to act. If stressed, let go, submit to the overwhelm so it can release it’s hold, de-focus on the worry, let life hold you in it’s trust. If angry, forgive yourself and any others – tolerate – we are all human! If you’re happy, fantastic, uplift & inspire others! Perspective: I dare you to write your Eulogy right now! Seem morbid? Hardly… let’s get those fears seen for the illusions they truly are – help place your priorities back into a state of compassionate LOVE. And yes, what do you really wish to take to the grave with you?... This year is a REFINEMENT year. We can chose to embrace the stripping effects, sometimes that is by just by turning up day by day til the timing is better. But take heart, all is happening for humanities highest and best. Try not to take it or others personally, focus on a light heart. Drama less, esteem more. Nurture you. Remind yourself how good you will feel despite it all. Let go, Let be, Be love. BIG love! xoJK
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So welcome to my April Blog!
As can happen, I was at a loss for timely material to write about until this week when I witnessed the effect of the power of words in my sphere. So perhaps this content may be timely for many. As a reader, I am well aware that A SINGLE word can change an accuracy. Try the difference between 2 months versus 2 year.s The commonality of 2 sitting as the truth, the extra word influcing the actual truth. Today I wanted to bring attention to the power of the words you are releasing in this world and it's impact. As a healer I use an incredibly effective system based on WORDS, or moreseo the vibration and program usage of words, in a positive sense. Many times I am correcting vibrational patterns of pain. And many times these pain patterns have been created through the adoption of words that others have said without the filtration of our ever evolving reasoning mind. (yes ever wonder why is the pain of the past, especially of when we are young, can still affect us - the right words and processing can change that). All words have power. We should all learn to question the intent behind the words, and it's truth to us pre our engagment, usage or adoption of them. We can do this through honest communication with ourself and others. Send love to the situation, then proceed getnly and truthfully. Know the design of ones TRUTH is ultimately not to punish, but to release from pain holds, into freedom of Spirit. One persons' truth is not always anothers, but if you are getting repititive themes to your life, time to look deeper. The universal law of Evolution and growth means if pain results from saying/doing something (especially if it is time and time again), then to move from pain into growth from it, something will need to change within, usually a release from an outdated pattern. For many, this understanding or awareness is a time/experience thing and not always easy. Gone are the days of "sticks and stones will break my bones, but words will never hurt me", if they at all existed... Words can and do hurt at times. Sometimes for the truth in them, and sometimes from the emotional projetion from anothers pain. We are not taught the importance of words (nor emotions) generally. Although many a time we care and offer words to that effect, we instead can spread gossip, manipulate, overprotect and bias using words. Although this is not born of bad intent, these words still have power. Just as thoughts become things, words action things. They program (directly and indirectly) your life and being, as well as influence those we talk about and to. My question to you is where is your word control sitting? Do you have speech awareness, ie have you considered your words? Are sore emotions leading your words, or are you intelligently processing sore emotions into a balanced awareness and then speaking? Is the Universe indicating your life control is enough to project your perceptions intelligently into your world and onto others through words? Could you sufficiently validate those words said against another to that person without harm (self inclusive)? Let's think of words vibrationally. Our personality and the essence of us is purely vibrational, or "of energy". The frequency by which it moves or vibrates (density) is what makes us Physical. Break down our Physical (or moreso, speed up) that energy or vibration, and our physical could easily become invisible to the naked eye. (yes, Spirit world may be understood this way). Words hold patterns of vibrational to them. Just as thoughts are creative energy, so to are words. Words are however the instrument of action or instruction to the world, post the thought, which can breed emotional response and creative re-programming. Let's think about how a happy song, (sometimes using words) and sound vibration, can uplift us, possibly enhance or change our mood. Sound vibration does this. We create sound vibration through our speech. Speak with intelligent truth and create intelligent response. Speak through bias or emotional repsonse, that is what you will create more of in your world. Want more love in your life? Start with self speak (the internal thought and the spoken "Oh how silly am I") and start correcting to LOVE SPEECH. Practice real love speech with yourself, your friends, and those not so close. Awareness is key! So start with seeing how your words are really affecting people around you. Learn to speak up gently but strongly in your truth if words hurt you, be it directly or indirectly, to release them from having a hold over you. You will notice huge changes in and around you for your courage. I remind myself to always return to loving thought and speech when I stray (which being human, definately happens)! But I've learned to judge less the fact I do it and focus on how I can ammend and prevent it within and external. I urge you to deepen your exploration of speech right now. Words are powerful, and deserve some thought. Let's build a more loving life and care for humanity with our choice of them! xoxJ Happy New year all! My news is I'm opening up a new Wellness center with a valued colleague in Batemans Bay, Southern NSW, shortly ...indeed an inspiring theme for us each and also for the many whom will benefit from it's opening... but what about overall 2013 - what's in store for us all???
Well it’s said that only your mind can liberate it’s circumstances, i.e. that a prisoner can still chose their thoughts, and under that premise, still be free! Did you realize it is through the right brain thinking that this is accomplished? The intuitive and creative, logic by-passed side of the brain… the side we as humans we’ve been encouraged to use less of over many “masculine”(will-power) thought based years… a model now changing for humanity in the “feminine”, or receptive, Age of Aquarius. Welcome to 2013!!!... An opportunity for almost polar change for some, for radical opportunity to set us more into our intuitive truth… A re-adjustment, year; a year for plenty to be accomplished. Perhaps a year with more needed rest firstly, but ultimately a more flowing working effort than 2012. A year to not just conceptualise, but to EMBRACE, the “me nurtured first” (not “me first” as in look at me, but look for/in me) premise which many have been running from for years with all their giving and avoiding pain or loneliness behaviours. I have people around me, one is a dearest friend, whom after years of resilience and putting everything, people, family, friends, jobs, ideas (all the purposeful and enjoyable things) before her real body/soul needs, has now created a body of cancerous cells for her to rest and rebuild in. Still I wait for her to simply stop!... to possibly see the urgency her body is instilling in her to PUT HERSELF FIRST! Even though she claims she always does, many a time the observer will see a different story, like when she could have rested her fatigued body in bed, she chose to go to work, when she could have nurtured herself with downtime in nature, she accepts a social engagement, depleting her already depleted energy reserves. So many times… Yes it is hard to STOP, to be in our own space sometimes, but right now it is vital! Vital to attend to our nurturing, our rest, our inner child cries for space and processing moments - for self love! I too have had my body remind me of this need after an emergency procedure pre Christmas, I grew impatient in my need for body wellness shortly after, only to then chose to see it as “my friend”, my baby rebuilding – to take delight in the baby steps of it’s recovery and to know it will always need my loving attention and support, and that’s ok! In fact, why would I not give it? What in my life is so important, I would not gift my body & my soul, the loving attention and activity it needs to keep it happy and maximised?! Years of body health challenges in my past have alerted me that self love is simple – listen to the inner child cries – what does it need - create non-taxing space so you can find out, which for me is as simple as a walk along the beach, time away by myself, extra rest – this is my foundation. I build on that with connections external, time with my beautiful partner, wonderful chats with fabulous friends, a meal out on occasion, a purpose in life such as my work. But at the heart of it, if I tire, get moody, feel overwhelmed or emotional, start to self criticize, feel my body affected, then I need to correct my relationship to self – give it more deserved attention, NOW. So yes, welcome to the promise of a new way of being, or more-so, becoming in 2013. It’s no longer willful mind over matter, it is becoming a harmony of Spirit with mind, which is achieved through “listening” to your own needs – So…what’s your body, heart & soul saying to you today?! Enjoy the liberation of a year of opening and stretching our intuitive selves! Remember we are all born with a deeply known or sensed life purpose to complement every other organism on earth, should we chose to listen to our base needs required to support this ( judgement free), then we are a step closer to a harmonic earth! Brought forth with much love from Spirit Voice - JK xo Radical change? Is this what we are to witness now? Well here we are Dec 2012. Mass consciousness of potential world change is certainly ripe. I marvel at the wonderment of how focused ONE day can become (21/12) in our calendar, yet delight that the focus should represent positive change to so many, and be theorized as pinnacle within the evolution of humanity at large.
My understanding of the Dec 21 2012 energetic expectation is that it’s meant to be the conclusive day of shifts into higher energy vibration. Apparently between 12.12.12 and 21.12.12 there’s to be a 9 day transit of “enlightened” alignment to affect the earth. An actual increased charge of light radiance will inject the earth. It will be received by all on earth (plant, humans, animals etc). Those focused on “light and love” shall have it amplified by these frequencies with potential for mass humanity to embrace “heaven on earth” creation (personally I feel ALL would witness this if it occurred). The physical theory floating was predictive of chaos and earth destruction, which in totality I don’t subscribe to, but can understand how some may have attached to this concept as it encompasses the idea of “hell on earth” option. Of course, there is a bit of both available to all change and choice times, which is what we are enduring, but we really should attach to neither, and just surrender to it, knowing it will gift us betterment and settlement on completion. I commented on my October 2011 blog re timing and debates of Mayan calendar finishing and it’s repercussions…which is worth a re-visit considering there’s been debate that the calendar ended 28 Oct 2011 (http://www.calleman.com/content/articles/risk_of_2012.htm). Frankly, I’m over the hype. To me, if you’ve not studied, embraced and lived by Mayan philosophy life long, if you are not an elder, or at certain level of evolution and education, can you lay claim to any true understanding of the prophecy within it? And should you even want to? I’m not a Mayan nor an artful astrologer who can gift understanding this way. Perhaps those that can, may or may not want to, but I would be seeking direct sources for such. All I know is yes we’re in earth affected transition NOW, and have been for a while. Perhaps we required a “prophecy” as the catalyst to help open our channels of mass conscious manifestation… Our earth is almost rebelling with her years of misuse. I recently cried at the documentary, “Home” when I saw the extent of large corporation damage, of how the MAJORITY of humanity lives in poverty or below! As humans we believe we are separate individuals – we are not separate – we are not better, nor worse, nor isolated, nor adulated! We do care, but chose to care less. We have separated the LOVE from ourselves, to then embrace judgment. But we don’t have to. We are all simply human beings – blood, bone etc - energy (or Spirit) having earth experiences. As a species we crave the sanctity of connection to others and to our loving self. Separation from this connection has caused us pain, individually and at large. Change is needed and our earth and all on her are getting to this point of understanding. Mass awareness is awakening. We are awakening to CHOICE. In Spiritual terms we talk in terms of “you always have free will” – well we do! You can chose. In every moment! We have always had choice, but perhaps have felt limited in our power to exercise it on mass! Perhaps what our gateway is, in leading up to 21/12 as a human phenomena, is that we are given a moment of collective consciousness, be it a day (or many moments as I see it) to Unify! To chose goodness, respect for all on this earth, honouring her sacredness. Our souls are uniting to bring forth change into less greed, less separation, less pain and suffering. The SPIRIT in us is asking for more freedom, joy, happiness, peace. Spirit (being the intangible world within and around) is supporting this movement forward! A community friend CW, asked about the Spirit Realm, and is it changing like the dream realm? ( ie he’s “waking up many times during the night, each with a new dream theme...)”: I do believe our processing is fast at present, to accommodate the needs of change in each of us to support life on earth. Dream realm and Spirit Realm, both being planes of the subtle or unconscious existence. They are being affected, and are changing to support us and our link to their support is also strengthening. So yes there will be new theme to dreams and messages. We are hearing more, knowing more, understanding more, receiving more messages through dream state, through Spirit sources etc. Remember we are all creators, manifestors, extensions of Godliness. It is from our thoughts changing that so to do our receptors of subtle support systems, internal and external. If many do this, like the 100th monkey principle, or a ripple effect, it strengthens in humanity change. I see it like a spiral which radiates a thought out – there has been a choice on this planet that has spiraled. We are not in isolation, many unseen forces and beings support us. We have the power to chose, and change in favour of love and respect which is needed to sustain life on earth. As it always has been, now is the moment of power! And now we shall embrace! I see this locally with thoughts of self sustainability increasing in prevalence the community I live in. Hey, I love that I will soon trade my garden veges for eggs. That a friend has purchased a cow for fresh real milk. That solar is a catch phrase for house investment…. A work colleague, KD , also suggested I mention changes and cycles, and “how great they are” in this blog. Indeed all change and cycles of it are POSITIVE! Hindsight usually teaches us so, but we can also feel our world ripped apart in cycles of change. Faith is key. What is happening is that we are being aligned to receive something more beautiful, magical and coherent for who we are becoming. Think of the change caterpillar endures to become butterfly… but perhaps more on this and earth departure transitions in a future blog! And so for now, with ease and grace, I chose to see the goodness in our present changes, I surrender to them and receive the love within them. Thanks particularly to Keith, Su and Chris for this blogs’ inspiration, and my usual Spirit Friends! I love you all for the enrichment to gift my life! I know that change can be scary for some and send them extra support and love in those moments. Believe in the magic that is you! Have a great rest of 2012! Blessings to you each and all xoJK Well sure I’m not the only one grateful to be past the Aug-Oct squeeze Spirit told me we’d go through… A time of getting things done, decision processing, high compression energy, squeezing our energy to conform to new levels of thinking, making way for the new to unfold.
If you were on a tropical Island relaxing during this time – power to you, as that would have been optimum for working through this type of energy, but if you were active like most of us, feeling the weight like an energy double load, with little time to catch your breath ( no matter how well you may or may not have handled it) well hey - you kind of did handle it – are still standing and well done – let’s note what you’ve let go of and how much further towards completing old things and allowing new dreams to unfold you are. Not sure we can expect it to change dramatically for the rest of the year, but at least it may feel less like a birth canal compression whilst we explore the now deepening aspects of ourselves and life. Pace may possibly even out more now. My apologies for being late on the Oct blog, but I was so snowed under with other deadlines too like so many. And who said shifting dimensions on this planet would be easy anyway?! :) ...But we are being awakened and taken towards things our souls have dreamed about, as individuals and humanity at large, so all is positive, if not yet seen in fullness yet, unfolding. Hope to see you later in month for Nov blog xoJK Welcome to my blog again. I’ve had yet another wonderful week of readings and healings, and as I do constantly, I am reminded or awakened to some great perceptions, which I take delight in sharing.
This one came through a lovely, thoughtful Sydney client who asked me to embellish on some content from a past reading. When we are young we are clothed in instinct and intuition naturally, led by being in the moment, positive to the possibility of life - inspired. As we mature, through our perceived blockages, burdens, challenges, we form an extra layer, we can term as wisdom. Some wisdom forming can make us feel uncomfortable and hurt, we can attach to “taking life personally”, but once we establish (usually unconsciously) how to detach from it, it works really well with Divine Timing. What I mean is there becomes a deeper flow to life which we evolve into, less immediate and directed than when we were young, but timely and wise for our journey. Sometimes we don’t see it when we’re in it as we can still judge it from a youthful perspective ie, we get impatient with ourselves, or “worse still”, we procrastinate and don’t action things (like we used to). But for those that do procrastinate, consider the intuitive wisdom working within that. Consider that some part of your higher intelligence, or intuition is calling for more time to process a situation until it warrants action, consider that your psychic self is moderating your youthful self, by saying “I know you really want this right now, it’s such a great idea, don’t let it go, come on!” with the wisdom saying “yes, it’s a great idea, but I know the bigger picture is not quite aligned yet to give this idea the best outcome if I launch right now, I need to give it space to align first, wait for what I know deep down will be the best timing or a universal sign that I should proceed”. All this can happen without us even being aware of it. We are all wise beings, learning to listen. As a personal endnote, like many I've been feeling like a yo-yo between clarity and compression of late, with my body leading the way, commanding I relax and melt into its wisdom and the earth processes of large. So I've taken time to recenter and recollect myself. To re-connect with nature and Spirit in a revitalising way, and this has necessitated ignoring some close friends and pressing commitments to ensure I had my space. It hasn't stopped my head, nor emotions, at times, but being human, so it is. It has reminded me though, that where you chose to sit right now ie in positive and heart connection or negative and heart disconnection can be felt or taken to extremes. It’s important to rely more on our own energy and connection within (Spirit connection) right now, so to make it easier on ourselves, let the obligations (even the fun ones) and the external stuff go for a moment, put some lightness in the equation, put you at the heart of your life and spend time nurturing your soul today. Sending you each blessings and love! xoJK Hi Again, and I hope the current earth ascension processes are not causing too much fatigue, unwellness or mood changeability for you right now, but if it is, know that it’s ok and it will pass in time. I hear many becoming more aware of Spirit connection right now. On one day I had 3 “random” people tell me they felt like someone was touching their head when no-one was evidently around. This is a symptom of Spirit preparation, literally working through your crown chakra to connect you into increased receptive states. It’s nice to hear. :)
This month I’ve decided to comment on the role of professional psychics from my viewpoint. Many times I see clients consume psychic information, totally led by it, and whilst that’s ok, sometimes it can inspire confusion and even disappointment. If you’re relating to this, then it’s time to remember that all our information is there as GUIDANCE only. We are human vessels for Spirit information. This means to me, that our information should have accuracy and healing ability within its content, but it also means that no matter how accurate or healing we are in our jobs, that we are also human. So whilst Spirit content is in my eyes 100% accurate, my interpretation, regardless how accomplished I am, can still be misinterpreted, and thus parts become inaccurate. This should never become an excuse for lack of accuracy or proficiency as a professional reader, and a good reputation in this field shows where ability sits, but it is a human reality. No-one is perfect, nor should they claim to be. Each of us receive information in different ways, but it is quite uncommon (in fact I’ve not heard of it at all) that we sit down to a reading and get an orderly line of completely viewed, sensed and understood guides patiently delivering to us in clear conversational English each direct message our client requires. I’m sure people are aware that general communication on the earth plane can be difficult at times, cloaked with differing levels of ability to communicate mixed in with varying individual motivations, beliefs and perceptions. Some are better listeners, others are better talkers. To be a good psychic you need to be practiced at both, plus be able to “hear” in somewhat coded language sometimes, whilst interpreting into an English language (in my case) that information so as each individual client understands and can relate to it. No, in my development there has been little that is straight forward about connecting with the other side or the psychic world. And yet, somehow it gets anchored into your knowingness and you constantly open to parts of “the language” so to speak. It’s rich and rewarding in doing so, but requires practice in open awareness moderated with mindfulness. Spirit conveys the messages we are to deliver to our clients using all our 6 senses as best as possible within the telephone link on the day. Yes I’ve had my mobile drop out, been crackly, had an echo etc at times here on earth, so why would I think it would be consistently clear with Spirit or Psychic Communication? It’s not always. Amazingly though, Spirit world does manage to repeatedly convey messages through us perhaps like a media station broadcasting via unseen waves. (and psychics vary in their practice and receptivity to these frequencies). They sometimes stimulate our imagination or thoughts and vision, our hearing, our feelings, gifting us symbology and shorthand and implanted ideas. Some “chat” rapidly, other speak with differing accents and languages. For example, have you ever misinterpreted a Scottish person for not speaking English on the earthplane for example? I know I have, and they were, in their mind, clearly communicating. Spirit communication is fascinating, non-linear and not necessarily logical. Really it’s not as humans tend to want it to be, nor are used to receiving it so. We want package answers and forecasts, things in neat boxes to help make our decisions clear. We dislike confusion and having to clue our lives together most times. Perhaps that’s part reason why we consult psychics. But just as there is no book in this world to my knowledge that can completely answer our yearnings, so is there not one mortal person. The reason I write this is to have clients understand there is nothing necessarily straight forward about your life, and nothing straight forward about how your life should evolve. Getting a psychic reading should be like reading a book in your library. It’s only ONE book, perhaps a good one or a bad one. But you get to chose if you want to read it, live by it, or let it simply be the thoughts of another with some good content and good intention to guide you to your inner truth. We each can assist and deserve a place in your life, but you’re in control, so make your life yours, not a Psychics’, or a friends’, or a partners’ or a family members’… or anything else outside of you! We are all tools on your path to the wiser part of you. There are no mistakes you can make, only learning you can take from each step along the way. So my suggestion, is chose to listen to good advice but not attach to it, then select what feels comfortable to you or “right” within those words for you to grow with. Oh and don’t be afraid to grow after all, regardless how you wish to connect with it, you are all always supported by Spirit, because within, that’s what you are! See you in September sometime, xoJK So welcome to my July Blog. What a weekend hey?! We had some magnificent releasing energies travelling through us to help clear our systems and give us a “re-boot” opportunity this weekend. Some are feeling the effects of it – I know a few friends in bed, some overwhelmed and just exhausted, some have been teary-eyed, some have been inspired, some have changed plans for more internal time. We all act and re-act in the way we require.
I awoke yesterday after an odd but sad, almost regret filled dream and decided I needed to share yesterday morning with a walk on the rocks in a sacred area I visit infrequently here on the incredible South Coast of Australia. This endeavour connected me with a magnificent Sea Eagle soaring high up the cliffs above me. Being felt as a significant gift to my experience for that day, I later researched the deeper meaning of its presence. Part of what I found made sense to many others I’ve connected with of late, and that is the message of learning how to pace life – learning the wisdom of energy placement - ie when to give or invest in, or when that investment or giving is over taxing you. This is a journey that I have grappled with over my life course, mainly due to physical health ailments, but in hindsight for my life purpose as a Spirit Voice. It’s a path many may witness, even the Medium at the Spiritual Church I went to yesterday had learned much through her chronic fatigue and the world of Spiritual healing. I decided to write more about it today when I recognized a student friend of mine was grappling with this now. Sometimes, you just need to say NO to the world. Sometimes things gets so emotionally layered that there is nothing left to give, mainly because inside feels like a jumbled mess?! And conversely sometimes you need to yell YES to it, you need inspiration and commitment and to let fear fall away! It all comes back to the needs of self at that moment and honouring it. Yes the universe reminds us constantly of this – where is your inner truth… and are you taking time and steps to process it? What illusions and ideals will you chose to break to get your inner clarity and peace? To understand when to speak and when not, to understand when to exert and when to retract energy and presence, are both psychic and life skills that can be tricky to develop. At the heart of it you need to really get to know yourself. I need to advocate that there is a difference between a psychic and being Spiritual. To me, it’s a lot easier to be just Psychic – if you believe we’re all connected (and energy sciences are starting to prove this is so) then everyone is psychic. We can all glean future and past content in some capacity. But if it’s wisdom and peace you crave, seek the Spiritual development also. Now most people I work with to open psychically have the experience in that they are afraid to speak out what they receive. I have students ask – how do you know when it’s your imagination verses when it’s intuitive or psychic thought. Besides relaying to them concepts such as knowingness and setting yourself in a safe environment to receive in clarity firstly helps, mostly it’s about testing content. So my strongest reply is how does a carpenter know how to hit the hammer on the nail head time and time again? – because they chose to hit their thumb a few times first to test the position they needed their body to be in best in order to get success. Enjoy your elevated learning moments. May we all be receiving the lessons of wisdom in practice today, and be seeing it as just that – wisdom gleaned through wisdom! xoJK Well the chance to write a Birthday Blog only happens once a year so I’m taking advantage of that today.
Within that “birth concept” I find myself marveling at how aligned our birth moment truly is. When we incarnate on this earth, we are actually armed with everything we will need for our “trip” here. Like packing for an overseas adventure, we’ll have the basics with us as luggage (some travel light, others not) and the rest within us, as part of our mission of discovery. We’ll all be out of our comfort zones mostly, some will have the best time, and some won't. Some will get lost, some will thrive on exploring. Some will use many maps and books and pre explored materials, others will go with the flow and see what pans. Some will feel time constrained and rush about, cramming life in, whilst others will feel free to browse. It may be a long or short trip, and each will judge what that is differently. Our tastes for what to explore will vary. Some may feel more supported or prepared than others, perhaps they feel they travel with good family and friends this round. Some may endure difficulties, some may enjoy challenges. There will be trips within trips, all adding to our life creation as a journey. All will grow somehow in some way from the experience. From birth forth (I believe prior) our Spirit friends will be guiding us through our intuition the whole way through. On this planet we’ll have many ancient wisdoms available to us to help us find who we are along the way, and ultimately what can make us happy, wise and peaceful on out trip away. Even the planets will align in a pattern we can deeper study to understand our placement here. We’ll have numbers of significance in each moment dictated by the date we were born in. There will be soooooooo many systems of love and support available to us, whether it be biological, or in forms of external love and kindness. From the day we are birthed we will have access to Love and all its stages of development. So many supporting systems will help with our map of our “trip away” to perhaps help us understand adversity when it arises, bring awareness to us as individuals, where our personal strengths and weaknesses sit, and ultimately be parcel of remembering why we are here on earth, and the importance of self love and universal partnership. For those that have wished me well today, I thank you for your loving thoughts. For those with a birthday today also, I extend you wishes for increased blessed incarnation beauty today and always! We birth and re-birth constantly. Always be mindful that our Birth is not a burden to bare, it is the beginning of the joy of life. So enjoy your trip to earth, have fun! Know you always have everything you NEED, so let that be, stress less and be happy and complete – after all, it’s your birthright! Xox JK Hi and welcome to my May, albiet nearly June Blog. Been a busy month! :)
I've had a beautiful lady in NT (LH) ask if I could write about isolation or division in one of my blogs, which I've agreed to do this MAY blog :) There are points in our life that we feel isolated, and/or the need for isolation. Both are appropriate constructs in our life journey, but they may be distingushed by the lack of percieved control of each of them. FEELING isolated implies we are in a state of loneliness or disconnection. NEEDING and, thus creating, isolation is a mature mind understanding it needs time out, possibly for reflection, nurturing or analysis. It assumes that connection is inhernent within even if not felt instantly, thus the FEELING of isolation may not become consuming, and it trusts in the learning that isolation can bring. I recall in the oracle Runes, that there is one that implies isolation can have the feeling of the chill of winter, but consider nature without the seasons? - the chill teaches us quite harshly the importance of warmth. Many animals hibernate in seasons of cold - they have learned to rest whilst they can. And the lessons herein, is that we are adaptable and wise, and even in harsh conditions we can find connection to our needs!?! Hence if at times you tend to FEEL isolated, there is learning still in play, and it's asking you to find ways to deal with your elements, and the feelings of isolation. Turn your thoughts not to the disconnection, sadness, loneliness or incompleteness, but to the concepts of why have I created this feeling in my life? What can I do to change this feeling? What is in my thought prohibtiing me currently from loving all seasons of life and where I'm at right now, ie: am I ill prepared for "Winter"? expecting something different from it ie more Sun? or am I not seeing the beauty of the snow in these frosty times? Is my glass half empty/full? Isolation can show up anywhere, and everyone will feel it at some point I'm sure. It wil be irrespective of where you live or what you do. What you can know is you will always have a choice to work with it or not. Remember each moment is perfect and should be received in gratitude, this goes for isolation also. Rest when you can, be courageous to be yourself, none other (and be honest with that), and isolation will serve you to find answers to long held, possibly even unvoiced questions from your inner self. Hope this helped in someway LH, and thanks for the question! Trust it's something we can all relate to. Blessings and Harmony to all! Know that Spirit world radiates us with love and knowledge constantly and many will be feeling more of this right now! Be gentle on you. xoJK |
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