Radical change? Is this what we are to witness now? Well here we are Dec 2012. Mass consciousness of potential world change is certainly ripe. I marvel at the wonderment of how focused ONE day can become (21/12) in our calendar, yet delight that the focus should represent positive change to so many, and be theorized as pinnacle within the evolution of humanity at large.
My understanding of the Dec 21 2012 energetic expectation is that it’s meant to be the conclusive day of shifts into higher energy vibration. Apparently between 12.12.12 and 21.12.12 there’s to be a 9 day transit of “enlightened” alignment to affect the earth. An actual increased charge of light radiance will inject the earth. It will be received by all on earth (plant, humans, animals etc). Those focused on “light and love” shall have it amplified by these frequencies with potential for mass humanity to embrace “heaven on earth” creation (personally I feel ALL would witness this if it occurred). The physical theory floating was predictive of chaos and earth destruction, which in totality I don’t subscribe to, but can understand how some may have attached to this concept as it encompasses the idea of “hell on earth” option. Of course, there is a bit of both available to all change and choice times, which is what we are enduring, but we really should attach to neither, and just surrender to it, knowing it will gift us betterment and settlement on completion. I commented on my October 2011 blog re timing and debates of Mayan calendar finishing and it’s repercussions…which is worth a re-visit considering there’s been debate that the calendar ended 28 Oct 2011 (http://www.calleman.com/content/articles/risk_of_2012.htm). Frankly, I’m over the hype. To me, if you’ve not studied, embraced and lived by Mayan philosophy life long, if you are not an elder, or at certain level of evolution and education, can you lay claim to any true understanding of the prophecy within it? And should you even want to? I’m not a Mayan nor an artful astrologer who can gift understanding this way. Perhaps those that can, may or may not want to, but I would be seeking direct sources for such. All I know is yes we’re in earth affected transition NOW, and have been for a while. Perhaps we required a “prophecy” as the catalyst to help open our channels of mass conscious manifestation… Our earth is almost rebelling with her years of misuse. I recently cried at the documentary, “Home” when I saw the extent of large corporation damage, of how the MAJORITY of humanity lives in poverty or below! As humans we believe we are separate individuals – we are not separate – we are not better, nor worse, nor isolated, nor adulated! We do care, but chose to care less. We have separated the LOVE from ourselves, to then embrace judgment. But we don’t have to. We are all simply human beings – blood, bone etc - energy (or Spirit) having earth experiences. As a species we crave the sanctity of connection to others and to our loving self. Separation from this connection has caused us pain, individually and at large. Change is needed and our earth and all on her are getting to this point of understanding. Mass awareness is awakening. We are awakening to CHOICE. In Spiritual terms we talk in terms of “you always have free will” – well we do! You can chose. In every moment! We have always had choice, but perhaps have felt limited in our power to exercise it on mass! Perhaps what our gateway is, in leading up to 21/12 as a human phenomena, is that we are given a moment of collective consciousness, be it a day (or many moments as I see it) to Unify! To chose goodness, respect for all on this earth, honouring her sacredness. Our souls are uniting to bring forth change into less greed, less separation, less pain and suffering. The SPIRIT in us is asking for more freedom, joy, happiness, peace. Spirit (being the intangible world within and around) is supporting this movement forward! A community friend CW, asked about the Spirit Realm, and is it changing like the dream realm? ( ie he’s “waking up many times during the night, each with a new dream theme...)”: I do believe our processing is fast at present, to accommodate the needs of change in each of us to support life on earth. Dream realm and Spirit Realm, both being planes of the subtle or unconscious existence. They are being affected, and are changing to support us and our link to their support is also strengthening. So yes there will be new theme to dreams and messages. We are hearing more, knowing more, understanding more, receiving more messages through dream state, through Spirit sources etc. Remember we are all creators, manifestors, extensions of Godliness. It is from our thoughts changing that so to do our receptors of subtle support systems, internal and external. If many do this, like the 100th monkey principle, or a ripple effect, it strengthens in humanity change. I see it like a spiral which radiates a thought out – there has been a choice on this planet that has spiraled. We are not in isolation, many unseen forces and beings support us. We have the power to chose, and change in favour of love and respect which is needed to sustain life on earth. As it always has been, now is the moment of power! And now we shall embrace! I see this locally with thoughts of self sustainability increasing in prevalence the community I live in. Hey, I love that I will soon trade my garden veges for eggs. That a friend has purchased a cow for fresh real milk. That solar is a catch phrase for house investment…. A work colleague, KD , also suggested I mention changes and cycles, and “how great they are” in this blog. Indeed all change and cycles of it are POSITIVE! Hindsight usually teaches us so, but we can also feel our world ripped apart in cycles of change. Faith is key. What is happening is that we are being aligned to receive something more beautiful, magical and coherent for who we are becoming. Think of the change caterpillar endures to become butterfly… but perhaps more on this and earth departure transitions in a future blog! And so for now, with ease and grace, I chose to see the goodness in our present changes, I surrender to them and receive the love within them. Thanks particularly to Keith, Su and Chris for this blogs’ inspiration, and my usual Spirit Friends! I love you all for the enrichment to gift my life! I know that change can be scary for some and send them extra support and love in those moments. Believe in the magic that is you! Have a great rest of 2012! Blessings to you each and all xoJK
5/12/2012 07:34:24 am
An insightful read. Very challenging in parts to some I imagine. Thanks Jacqui. Love and lightxox
Beautifully explained Jacqui. Personally I'm particularly drawn to the 100th monkey syndrome aspect of this ascension/awakening/end of the world as we know it. The collective consciousness can only benefit from as many as possible at a given time focusing on heart based thoughts and actions. I know my consciousness got side-tracked onto the 'doom and gloom' track but I'm again actively and consciously focused on joy and happiness.
14/12/2012 06:44:33 am
Thanks ladies - yes Loris I anticipate we will all be feeling that ocsilation of sorts - bit like a plane landing in high winds - not easy necessarily to stay on course... With love to you too melanie! - as with all! xo
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